National Drink Wine Day

National Drink Wine Day

There are no regulations when it comes to classifying yourself as a wine enjoyer. You can be at any level, from an enthusiast to a special occasion drinker, and today is a day worth celebrating! It’s National Drink Wine Day, and if you ask us, we consider that a special occasion! But now comes the hard part: which wine will you choose for your celebration? Red, or white, or rosé, oh my! Your options are endless.

If you’re an avid wine traveler, we can assume that you have utilized your VinGardeValise® luggage to bring back some treasured memories and bottles from your travels. Whether it was your day trip to your local wine country or your second trip to Tuscany, today is the day to break out that bottle and enjoy! Maybe you aren’t a wine traveler or haven’t had the chance to experience wine country yet, but if you appreciate quality glassware for your favorite wines, break out the Gabriel-Glas and pour your bottle of choice!

The attractiveness of wine is that it can evoke memories, exotic or humble, when you revisit a bottle from an experience. That experience could be the day you got engaged, a great night in with your friends with your new favorite bottle from your local wine shop, or an unassuming day visiting a winery that ended up being an incredible experience. Take a moment to sniff the beautiful aromas, swirl your glass to open the wine up a little more, sniff again, and then treat yourself to a sip and transport back to that memorable moment in time. 

Say your memory isn’t as romantic as a trip to wine country overlooking the vines that grew the fruit that ended up as bottle poetry—that’s okay! Any wine, it could be from the local liquor store or that gifted bottle you’ve been holding on to, is perfect to pour into your Gabriel-Glas and toast to the day! 

Maybe you’re lucky enough to be visiting a wine region this weekend and can celebrate this holiday at the source! Enjoy making this year’s National Drink Wine Day a part of your special memories from your travels. Or maybe you have a new wine bar you’ve wanted to check out. There’s never been a better time to call your wine-loving friends and grab a glass (or two) and some tasty bites that complement your wine of choice. Or load up one of the refillable bladders in your VinXplorer, take your celebration outside, and xplore!

The beauty of wine is that there are no rules of enjoyment—it’s all in the eyes of the beholder… of the glass! From all of your wine-loving friends at FlyWithWine, we wish you a happy National Drink Wine Day! Cheers!

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